Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Eve at Meiji-jingu

We went to the Meiji-jingu shrine for NYE. Ther were an amazing number of people flowing in. We decided to leave before midnight because we would have been trapped inside the crowd. So, we spent the new year in the train station! Happy New Year!
(The blurry spots are from the flash bouncing off of all of the dust in the air. The ground was dirt and gravel and all the people walking was making a big cloud.)

Asakusa and Senso-ji

These ended up in reverse order...start at the bottom!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hotel Gardens


When I picture Tokyo, this is what I imagine...

Isetan Department Store

The basement level of this large department store is a huge grocery store with everything from meat and veggies to prepared foods and desserts. It was crazy crowded.

These watermelons are more than $26 each.

These melons are more than $168 each.

This is what Ben had to say about all of it...