Monday, August 25, 2008

Ice Cream Truck Song

Ben always rocks out when he hears the ice cream truck song. He doesn't even know that the truck sells ice cream. He just loves the music.

Freehold Mall

Home of Bruce Springsteen. (Freehold. Not the mall.)

Hanging Out with Grandpa

And stealing raisins.

Walking Around Princeton

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Floor Food

We took Ben out of his chair because he was dropping his food on the floor, but apparently he wasn't done yet.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Makeshift Covers

I had laid some fabric out to make some pillows and I guess the Ben thought that it would make a good blanket!

Legos are the New Fave!

Helping Out

Monday, August 11, 2008

Nice Shot

Ben has been having a great time with this little squirt-gun. Not sure if you can tell in the video, but he can only shoot himself! It is dangerous to stand behind him.

Around the New Neighborhood

Ben and I were wandering around Twin Rivers having fun this afternoon.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Big, Big Car

I came home from dropping Daddy off at the airport and look what Saba and Ben made!

Funny Lunch

And dorky Mommy!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Truck and Shoe

Sorry there haven't been many updates. I am trying to get back in the habit! Here are a few videos of Ben playing with a cool remote-controlled truck that our friend Gayle found on the street. Ben is pretty into it except if you make it come directly at him. then he hides. He also is into my shoe.

The Jersey Shore

Ben and I took our first trip to the Jersey Shore tonight! (Of course, Oren and Tamar have already been there.) We had to eat our picnic in the car due to a sudden thunderstorm, but we got a nice rainbow after!

Sunday, August 3, 2008