Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Another Busy Day!

Ben took his first little steps this morning, but unfortunately, we didn't get it on video. Maybe next time! He went about 3 steps from the chair to mommy about 3 times. After that he went back to crawling.

After the morning nap, we met Ayaka and Kai at Costco to pick up some necessities.

The, we headed over to the park to play. The boys were trying to climb the wall. Ben had limited success, but it didn't end well...

Then there was a little Brokeback Playground action, but that didn't end well either...

Then it was home to play with the new truck and legos that Aunt Luanne gave us for Ben's birthday. We have been teaching him to put things "away." As you can see, he often puts the same lego "away" 4 or 5 times!

1 comment:

The Lynds said...

What a fun and special day, Ben!! I loooooooooooooooove your truck! Oh my gosh, that is huge!! Good job putthing things away!! Cleaning up can be fun too!!